Mediscare: The Surprising Truth

Wall Street Journal – While critics portray Republicans as Medicare grinches, the NCPA’s John Goodman and Tom Saving show in an oped in this morning’s Wall St. Journal (link) that there is very little difference between what Rep. Paul Ryan’s plan will spend on Medicare and what ObamaCare does, but with very different results for seniors.

Ryan's Plan

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has proposed a Medicare reform plan that is being contrasted with the approach adopted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), what some people call ObamaCare. The plan is the centerpiece of the House Republican budget; it’s attracting a lot of criticism from the Obama administration and from left-of-center commentators; and even Republicans seem to be backing away from it.

An Alternative to Malpractice

Texas Insider – About three decades ago, University of Chicago law professor Richard Epstein proposed a radical alternative to our system of malpractice liability. He called it ‘liability by contract.’ The idea: let patients and doctors voluntarily agree in advance how to resolve things if something goes wrong.

Medicare by the Numbers

Texas Insider – Here are the five most important things you need to know about Paul Ryan, Barack Obama and Medicare. You won’t find this anywhere else.

How Safe is Your Hospital? – Hospitals are dangerous places to be. At least if you are a patient. My colleagues Biff Jones and Pam Villarreal and I estimate that as many as 187,000 patients die every year for some reason other than the medical condition which caused them to seek care. We also estimate there are 6.1 million injuries caused by the health care system, including hospital acquired infections that afflict one in every 20 hospital patients.

Entitlement Reform: What Next?

National Review Online – The Republicans have no plan to insure the uninsured. How do I know that? A New York Times editorial told me. So did Ezra Klein, writing in the Washington Post. But wait. Didn’t John McCain have such a plan during the last presidential election?

Ponzi Schemes Jack Lew is lucky he isn’t in prison. Were he representing a private pension fund and if he made the sort of statements he made in USA Today the other day, he might well be sharing a cell with Bernie Madoff. So who is Jack Lew? And what did he say?

Is Medicaid Real Insurance?

Kaiser Health News: As governors across the land struggle with fiscal pressures and pepper the federal government with requests to scale back Medicaid – many people are losing sight of the fact that health care reform (what some call ObamaCare) requires a huge expansion of Medicaid.

Why Is There A Problem With Health Care Quality?

Health Affairs Blog: Go to the web site of the Detroit Medical Center (DMC) and you will learn that DMC facilities rank among the ‘nation’s best hospitals’ by U.S. News & World Report and that they have won other awards. The DMC has some of the ‘best’ heart doctors; it is ‘tops’ in cancer care; and it ranks among the ‘nation’s safest hospitals.’

Pilot Programs: A Waste of Money President Obama has repeatedly given us his vision of how to lower the cost of health care and raise its quality: Find out what works; then get everyone else to copy it. Toward that end, the administration is making millions of dollars available for pilot programs and demonstration projects. Will any of this work?

The HMO In Your Future

The Health Care Blog – Nationwide, Medicare will start paying fees to ACOs, beginning next year. Eventually, the Obama administration would like to see everyone in an ACO.

The Future of Consumer-Directed Health Care

Health Affairs Blog:  Over the next decade I believe we are going to see a major transformation of American medicine. It won't be the kind of transformation that is normally discussed at health care conferences and at inside-the-Beltway briefings. Nor will it be the kind of change anticipated by the people who gave us the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). Instead, what I envision is a large migration of patients and doctors, and facilities and services out of the third-party payer system.

What Will President Obama Say About Medicare?

Kaiser Health News: When President Barack Obama addresses the nation in his State of the Union message, the big topic on the minds of many in the public policy community will be out of control entitlement spending. Will the president follow the lead of Christine Romer, the former head of his Council for Economic Advisors, and endorse the recommendations of his own bipartisan deficit commission, chaired by former Sen. Alan Simpson, R-Wyo., and former Clinton White House aide Erskine Bowles? Or will he punt?