How We Got Well – Liberty

Welcome to Future World, where the average income is $100,000 a year and people need only a 20-hour work week to earn it.  Since the present day, medical science has progressed even faster than income.  There are bionic limbs; gene-specific therapies to cure cancer, heart disease and other ailments; cell regeneration; antiaging drugs; and all manner of other improvements that could — if fully used — extend life spans to 125 years.

The Worst Bill Ever- Kaiser Health News

Prior to last Saturday's vote, The Wall Street Journal aptly called the House bill "the worst bill ever." The bill is enormously expensive, but it is full of perverse incentives – an issue already plaguing our health care systems.

Explaining the Town-Hall Protests – Wall Street Journal

'They're un-American," says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. "They're spreading lies and distortions," says senior White House adviser David Axelrod. They are "being funded and organized by out-of-district special-interest groups and insurance companies," says the Democratic National Committee (DNC).