Should Public, Private Health Plans Compete?

Let's assume President Barack Obama keeps his campaign promise to create a parallel system for health insurance. Those who don't get insurance through an employer would have the opportunity to buy insurance through a government-run exchange. Details on how the exchange would work are murky, and the clearer they become the worse the whole idea sounds.

A Prescription for American Health Care

I'll start with the bad news: When we get through the economic time that we're in right now, we're going to be confronted with an even bigger problem. The first of the Baby Boomers started signing up for early retirement under Social Security last year. Two years from now they will start signing up for Medicare. All told, 78 million people are going to stop working, stop paying taxes, stop paying into retirement programs, and start drawing benefits. The problem is, neither Social Security nor Medicare is ready for them.

Insuring the Uninsured

What should we do about the fact that as many as 46 million Americans at any one time lack health insurance? My colleagues and I at the National Center for …

Reforming the US health care system

Health care reform seems poised to take centre stage in the upcoming presidential election in the United States. Not surprisingly, American presidential hopefuls Barack bama and John Mc-Cain have proposed …

Health Care for Children

The state children's health insurance program (SCHIP) was originally a Republican program to provide health insurance to children in near-poor families who did not qualify for Medicaid. Democrats now want …

Perverse Incentives in Health Care

Originally Published in: The Wall Street Journal Our public-school system and our health-care system may seem as different as night and day. Yet both systems share something in common: Mediocrity …

Journal of Legal Medicine

Applying the "Do No Harm" Principle to Health Policy For article:  20070326JCG.pdf Author Posting. (c) Taylor & Francis, 2007.This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here …

Uninsured? So What?

Virtually everyone in the "deploring" business points out that most of the uninsured have low incomes, hoping to invoke our sympathy. But this fact is misleading.