Biden's ACA Enrollment Confession: What's Next? The focus of the ACA enrollment debate should be if and when people are paying their premiums, says NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick in a article. According to Herrick, it’ll be 3-5 months before we know whether people are consistently paying their premiums and keeping their insurance.

A Rendezvous with Disaster

The Weekly Standard: Quoting NCPA President John Goodman, Arthur Herman says that attempting to lower health care costs by having “buyers of care telling the providers how to practice medicine” and redistributing or rationing care is not an effective solution in a piece for The Weekly Standard.

ObamaCare's Risk Corridors

FOX News: America’s Newsroom (FOX News) featured the prepared testimony of NCPA President John Goodman in their coverage of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee’s hearing on risk corridors. Goodman reiterated that only those with serious incentives, i.e. those with the highest medical claims, were persistent enough to navigate the ObamaCare website.

GOP Keeps Target on ObamaCare 'Risk Corridors'

Washington Examiner: The ACA’s provision for federal subsidies over the next three years “puts taxpayers at risk for the cost of serious mistakes in the design of the exchanges,” said NCPA President John Goodman in a Washington Examiner article. Goodman, along with Sen. Marco Rubio, testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on February 5th regarding ObamaCare’s risk corridors.

ObamaCare Can't Survive in its Present Form

FOX Business: On Lou Dobbs Tonight (FOX Business), NCPA President John Goodman stresses that ObamaCare cannot survive in its present form. With no movement from either party or the insurance companies to address the problems, Goodman says that the fact that people have been left in the dark is “a tragedy.” 

AARP Continues to Push for ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion

Carolina Journal Online: In a Carolina Journal Online article, NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick questions the AARP’s support for reducing Medicate Advantage subsidies. “It doesn’t make sense if you’re really advocating for care for seniors that you would support a law that essentially funded itself into perpetuity by cutting Medicare fees for the very doctors and hospitals that treat your constituents,” and run the risk of reducing service, said Herrick.

Republicans' New Opportunity on Health Care

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Online: In a Fort Worth Star-Telegram editorial, NCPA President John Goodman’s recommends that Republican health care reform be simple, understandable and workable, as well as focused on themes that resonate with Americans and provide an economic incentive for those at the bottom in order to be successful.