Health Care for All without the Affordable Care Act

The National Center for Policy Analysis has developed a proposal to provide essential health care for all. We can do this with the money that is already in the system. Unlike the Affordable Care Act (‘ObamaCare’), it will require no new taxes, no new spending, no individual mandate and no employer mandate. This proposal would provide patients, health care providers and insurers with the tools necessary to control costs and improve the quality of health care — without rationing by health care bureaucracies.

Healthcare hubris

Worldmag: NCPA President John C. Goodman answers questions on how to lower health care costs and improve efficiency in an interview with Marvin Olasky from World Magazine. 

Priceless: Chapter 5

The Incidental Economist: In their latest review,  Austin Frakt and Aaron Carroll review chapter 5 of NCPA President John C. Goodman’s book Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis.