How Safe is Your Hospital? – Hospitals are dangerous places to be. At least if you are a patient. My colleagues Biff Jones and Pam Villarreal and I estimate that as many as 187,000 patients die every year for some reason other than the medical condition which caused them to seek care. We also estimate there are 6.1 million injuries caused by the health care system, including hospital acquired infections that afflict one in every 20 hospital patients.

The 'Harm' in Healthcare Spending – A new study from a non-partisan public policy research organization puts a price tag on the social cost of medical errors and other adverse events caused by the healthcare system — and one researcher has a suggestion that would alleviate the expense.

Entitlement Reform: What Next?

National Review Online – The Republicans have no plan to insure the uninsured. How do I know that? A New York Times editorial told me. So did Ezra Klein, writing in the Washington Post. But wait. Didn’t John McCain have such a plan during the last presidential election?

Understanding Rep. Ryan’s Plan for Medicare

Kaiser Health News – House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., left many details to Congress when he unveiled Tuesday his plan to make major changes to Medicare as part of a fiscal 2012 budget resolution. He says his overall objective is to convert Medicare into a premium support program for which the government will spend a specific amount for beneficiaries’ care, a fundamental shift from the current fee-for-service program. Backers of premium support say it is similar to the health insurance program for federal workers but others say it may not meet seniors’ needs.

John Goodman on Medicaid Outcomes

Forbes: I’ve been mentioning John Goodman’s name a lot recently, but he’s deserved it. Today, he’s published an excellent piece for Kaiser Health News, entitled “Is Medicaid Real Insurance?” that goes through many of the reasons why Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion will lead to poorer-quality care for lower-income families. An excerpt: