Politico Morning eHealth

Politico: Government-mandated electronic health records have led to a less effective health IT environment and inhibited true innovation in health information technology, says NCPA Senior Fellow John R. Graham in a Politico article.

Is Expanding Medicaid Still Possible?

Fort Worth Star Telegram: Lawmakers must continue rejecting Medicaid expansion and look for alternative ways to private health insurance, according to a new report by NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick featured in a Fort Worth Star Telegram editorial.

Coordinated Care Increases Health Care Costs

Heartland: Hospitals have been acquiring physicians’ practices in large numbers – with the blessing of the Affordable Care Act. This may facilitate care coordination – but unfortunately it does so at a higher cost to taxpayers according to NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick.   

Money-Saving Ideas for Wisconsin Health and Pension Programs

NCPA:With the cost of Wisconsin’s public employee health and retiree benefits on the rise and a population “aging in place,” Wisconsin must continue to proactively search for efficient ways to provide public services. The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) and Wisconsin’s own John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy will outline Wisconsin’s options for reducing costs and improving benefits in policy briefings in Madison and Milwaukee, Wednesday, November 19th and Thursday, November 20th, respectively.