5 Most-Read Finance Stories

Becker’s Hospital CFO: Health care spending, which has been slowed in recent years, is expected to surge this year and reverse that trend, according to analysis by the National Center for Policy Analysis cited in an article at Becker’s Hospital CFO.

Health Care Expenditures Expected to Surge

NCPA: Just ahead of the upcoming annual report of the Medicare Trustees, the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) will hold a Wednesday Capitol Hill briefing on health care spending and the Affordable Care Act, led by former Medicare Trustee and NCPA Senior Fellow Thomas R. Saving.

OHSU Students Get Bitter Insurance Pill

Portland Tribune: OHSU’s health insurance policy, which requires students to buy OHSU’s health plan if their insurance isn’t deemed “good enough,” runs against the national trend, says NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick in a Portland Tribune article.

NCPA Severs Ties to John C. Goodman

NCPA: The Board of Directors of the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) terminated former NCPA President & CEO John Goodman after an extensive investigation that found sexual misconduct and breach of fiduciary duty that warranted Goodman’s dismissal.