ED Runs 'Second Chance' Pell Pilot for Prisoners

Campus Technology: The Department of Education’s new pilot program “Second Chance Pell Pilot Program for Incarcerated Individuals” could cost more than it delivers. According to NCPA research featured in a Campus Technology article, the pilot program’s focus on standard academic education could make the effort less effective and costlier than the vocational training programs already in place.

Refugee Recruits

Fox Business: NCPA President/CEO Allen West advises against accepting military age refugees on a FOX Business Network’s Cavuto: Coast to Coast segment. West says national security must be put first and foremost, citing the potential for domestic recruitment and terrorist attacks.

Refugee Terrorists

FOX & Friends Weekend: A solution in the Middle East depends on the strategic objective, whether it’s to defeat, degrade, or destroy ISIS, says NCPA President/CEO Allen West on Fox & Friends Weekend.


Syrian Refugees

On the Record: Specific, strategic steps by the United States and its allies are needed to combat terrorist groups in the Middle East, which may mean more aggressive military actions and more boots on the ground, said NCPA President/CEO Allen West in an interview with FOX News’ On the Record with Greta Van Susteren.

Allen West on U.S. ISIS Policy

Varney & Co.: NCPA President/CEO Allen West discusses U.S. policy toward ISIS on Varney & Co., calling for stronger leadership and for a clear plan. West says that the Paris attacks are causing a shift in public perception in favor of intervention in the Middle East, to ensure the future safety of American citizens.

Texas still falls short on coverage

The Dallas Morning News: With such high premiums and deductibles associated with many of the plans, healthy Texans are willing to face penalty fees rather than enroll on Obamacare, says NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick in a story for The Dallas Morning News.