Roadblocks Should Be Removed From Nuclear Power Development

Dallas – Although President Obama said he'd like to triple the amount of loans the federal government guarantees to jumpstart seven to 10 new nuclear power projects over the next decade, only a fraction of those new nuclear reactors will likely be built, according to a new analysis by the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

Former Comptroller General Of U.S. – David Walker

Americans need to move quickly to rein in out-of-control government spending to avoid the mounting debt that threatens America's future, according to David Walker, Peter G. Peterson Foundation President & CEO and Former Comptroller General of the United States.

Massachusetts Results Reflects Nationwide Backlash

The National Center for Policy Analysis is in direct contact with more grassroots opponents of Obama health reform than any other organization. NCPA President John C. Goodman says, "What we saw yesterday in Massachusetts is reflective of what we see all across the country."

10 Ways to Wreck Your Retirement in 2010

Millions of Americans are panicked about how the current market will effect their retirement nest egg and it's causing them to make needless and expensive mistakes, according to a new report by the National Center for Policy Analysis

Nuclear Power Could Be Solution To New Energy Mandates

Since many state governments now require a percentage of their electrical power to come from approved "renewable" energy sources, now is a good time for policymakers to allow the U.S. to expand the use of nuclear power as a reliable form of energy, according to a new report by the National Center for Policy Analysis

Six Ways to Slash Your Health Care Costs

People often assume they have little control over how much they spend on health care. After all, sickness cannot be scheduled, doctors prescribe treatments and employers provide health coverage to more than 60 percent of Americans


Will Independent Medicare Advisory Board Control Health Costs?

Health economists from the National Center for Policy Analysis say that creating an Independent Medicare Advisory Board and changing doctors' payments will not lower health care costs.

What’s Next In Health Care Reform?

For your health reform analysis, National Center for Policy Analysis President John C. Goodman is available for interviews on the House health reform bill and the pending Senate legislation that would mean:

A Converstaion with General Tommy Franks

General Tommy Franks, former Commander-in-Chief of the United State Central Command offers a unique perspective into the volatile conflict in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the war in Iraq and critical Middle East…