House Democrat’s Health Care Reform Bill Is a 1,018-Page Nightmare

The Democrats' health care reform bill under consideration in the House of Representatives creates a new government-run health plan that will undercut the private market and force as many as 119 million people to lose their private health insurance and be forced into a Medicare-like plan, according to National Center for Policy Analysis President John C. Goodman.

Not-So-Sweet Excise Taxes

The proposal by Congress and the Obama Administration to impose excise taxes on soft drinks and increase them on alcohol to fund health care reform and energy technology development won't accomplish their goal of changing unhealthy behavior or increasing revenue, according to a new report by the National Center for Policy Analysis. Instead, according to the NCPA report, it will inflict a burden on the poor.  

Ten Ways to Wreck Your Retirement

More Americans are in a panic over their retirement planning than at any other time in history because of market uncertainty, and many are making extremely expensive mistakes, according to new study. NCPA Senior Policy Analyst Pamela Villarreal said the study concludes that it doesn't have to be that way.

NCPA President To Address Health Reform Conference in D.C.

As you give balance to the health care reform debate over proposed solutions and controlling costs, you may want to attend or log on to Wednesday morning's overview at the Brookings-Dartmouth health care conference for what will surely be a lively and informative opening exchange:

Who Decides the Health Care You Need?

The new federal health council created to oversee medical treatments will promote government rationing of health care, a practice pioneered by Oregon, according to the National Center for Policy Analysis.