HSA Plans Gain Popularity As Premium Costs Rise

About half of all employers are expected to soon offer Health Savings Account (HSA) plans to their employees. This projection offers the best hope for restraining runaway health care costs, according to John Goodman, president of the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

SCHIP Expansion: Robin Hood In Reverse

As both chambers of Congress prepare to vote on the expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), the National Center for Policy Analysis notes this expansion will be costly for children, seniors and the poor.

Current Ozone Standards Already Working

H. Sterling Burnett, Senior Fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis(NCPA), testified today at an EPA public hearing on setting national ambient air quality standards for ozone levels. Burnett told the panel that due to technological improvements and the EPA's existing standards, Ozone levels have decreased and will continue to do so.

Renewable Energy Laws Mostly Hot Air

Laws requiring the use of renewable energy by utility companies in an effort to lower greenhouse gas emissions are more likely to increase energy costs, according to H. Sterling Burnett, senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

NASA Backtracks On 1998 Warmest Year Claim

The warmest year on record is no longer 1998 and not because it has been overtaken by a recent heat wave.  NASA scientist James Hansen's famous claims about 1998 being the warmest year on record in the U.S. was the result of a serious math error, according to H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

Congress All Talk On Global Warming

From former Vice President Al Gore's recent turn as movie producer and rock concert promoter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi's specially created climate change committee, politicians often go to great lengths to propagate the belief that energy use must be reduced to combat catastrophic global warming.

Europe Lectures On Emissions, While U.S. Acts

In the war of words over climate change, European policy makers often lecture their American counterparts about carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions and the need to sign international energy reduction agreements. Yet recent reports show that the U.S. is actually doing a better job of controlling its CO2 emissions.

Truth About Global Warming Too Inconvenient For Gore

While former Vice President Al Gore did his best to limit his exposure to serious critiques in today's Congressional hearings, a scholar with the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) says "he cannot hide from the various mistakes, misstatements and outright falsehoods in his movie and books on global warming."