How to Pay for Medicare

NCPA: Rising numbers of retirees and excess cost growth have made it imperative that we chance how the Medicare is financed – or the cost burden will crush taxpayers, according to a new study by NCPA Senior Fellows Andrew J. Rettenmaier and Thomas R. Saving.

How to Replace Obamacare with a Better Plan

NCPA: With health care costs and insurance premiums rising, the National Center for Policy Analysis has developed a multi-point Congressional brief that outlines affordable and effective alternatives. The objective of these proposed changes is to do what the Affordable Care Act has failed to do – create accessible, affordable and high quality health care for many more Americans than have it now.

Wed. Luncheon with Texas Legend Red Steagall in Dallas May

NCPA: Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame member and 2006 Poet Laureate Red Steagall will share his poetry and his ideas on agriculture and the economy at a May 4th luncheon for the National Center for Policy Analysis.

Red intends to use “a few jokes and a couple of poems” to emphasize the importance of agriculture which he considers “essential to our common well-being.”

Proposed Drug Plan Bill Could Raise Consumer Rx Prices

NCPA: New legislation just passed by the state House of Representatives in Oklahoma will allow pharmacies to request higher prices than the maximum allowable costs (MAC) on certain prescription drugs, as well as enable pharmacies to request higher consumer co-pays, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis Senior Fellow Devon Herrick.

Former DIA Dir. & Terrorism/National Security Expert in Dallas

NCPA: Former Defense Intelligence Agency director, author, and experienced combat veteran, Lt. General Michael T. Flynn will discuss the growing threat of Islamic terrorism and address NSA surveillance, border security, and other national security challenges facing America at an Addison luncheon co-sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis. The topic is particularly timely, following today’s terror attacks.

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn in Dallas March 31st

NCPA: Former Defense Intelligence Agency director, author, and experienced combat veteran, Lt. General Michael T. Flynn will discuss the growing threat of Islamic terrorism and address NSA surveillance, border security, and other national security challenges facing America at an Addison luncheon co-sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis.

National Center for Policy Analysis Names James Amos President & CEO Allen West Named Executive Director & Vice Chairman of the BOD

NCPA: Due to the growing importance of national policy issues addressed by the National Center for Policy Analysis, the NCPA is expanding, naming James H. Amos, Jr. as President and CEO of the 33 year old, Dallas-based think tank. Former NCPA President/CEO Allen B. West is taking on a more active policy role as Executive Director/Vice Chairman of the NCPA Board of Directors and will continue to serve as a spokesman for the organization.

Trump v. Cruz: The Comparative Economic Effects of Two Tax Proposals

NCPA: According to a newly updated report from the Beacon Hill Institute and the National Center for Policy Analysis, the Ted Cruz and Donald Trump tax plans would each eliminate large numbers of public sector jobs in either plan’s first year. However, an even greater number of private sector jobs will be created, assuming that the candidates’ tax plans are paid for by cuts in federal spending.

NCPA Announces Launch of Online National Security Petition

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) today launched a new online petition demanding Congress enact a national defense plan that properly protects our nation and supports a capable and economically efficient military.

“The president and Congress used last year’s National Defense Authorization Act to devastate an already diminished military. This April, Congress votes again on the NDAA, putting our national defense on the line once more,” said NCPA President/CEO Allen West in a video announcing the launch.