Payroll Tax Holiday Won't Stimulate Economy

Momentum is growing in the Senate around the idea to create a one-month payroll tax "holiday" as a way to quickly inject money into the stalled economy. Yet according to National Center for Policy Analysis Senior Fellow Bruce Bartlett, while sounding simple, this idea is actually complex, won't work and sets a bad policy precedent.

Financial Leaders Urge Investors To Buy Stock

As the financial world braces for U.S. markets to open this morning many financial leaders from legendary investor Warren Buffett to Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill to President Bush and Vice President Cheney are calling on investors to be bullish and invest in America.

Should The Social Security Surplus Be Invested In The Stock Market?

Coming just one day before the President's Commission to Strengthen Social Security is scheduled to release its interim report, the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) will unveil a new study on the risk of investing the Social Security surplus in the stock market at a news conference at the National Press Club.

Distortions Cloud School Choice Debate

Former Milwaukee school superintendent Howard Fuller claims opponents of school choice are using lies and half-truths about the success of choice programs in Milwaukee to influence the debate on education in Congress.