James Baker To Speak At NCPA's Sumners Lecture

What's the real story behind the Florida fiasco? What does President Bush's first 100 days portend for the next four years? Is Colin Powell faring well as Secretary of State? What's the future look like for the Mid-East peace process?

Bush Energy Plan Offers Balanced Approach

In anticipation of the announcement of President Bush's national energy strategy, H. Sterling Burnett, senior policy analyst with the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) signaled his optimism that the administration will unveil a plan with "a proper and realistic balance between energy and environmental concerns."

House Repeals Estate Tax

A group of black millionaires led by billionaire founder of the Black Entertainment Network, Robert L. Johnson, bought ads today in The New York Times and the Washington Post calling for abolition of the so-called death tax.

What Are The Prospects For Medicare Reform This Year?

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) and the National Association for Business Economics' (NABE) Health Economics Roundtable will co-sponsor a Capitol Hill briefing to answer some of the critical questions about the chances for Medicare reforms this Congress.

Gun Show Loophole Doesn't Exist

Mandating background checks at gun shows will not reduce crime significantly. Rather than closing a loophole in current law, mandatory background checks will be a step towards banning private firearm sales between individuals.

Bush Makes Right Call On Co2

President Bush's announcement that the administration will not impose mandatory emissions reductions for carbon dioxide on the nation's power plants is good news for our nation's energy and environmental policy.

How Should Texas Grow?

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Texas is expected to grow by more than 7 million people by the year 2025-the second largest increase in the nation.

Bush Tax Cut Affordable, Trigger Not Workable

The following is the testimony given today by Bruce Bartlett, senior fellow at the National Center for Policy Analysis before the House Budget Committee hearings on the economic impact of President Bush's tax cut and budget priorities.

Bipartisan Consensus Builds For Health Care Tax Credits

A bipartisan group of Hill leaders joined economists from the Dallas-based National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) and the American Medical Association (AMA) to discuss the growing consensus for creating a tax credit to help the millions of uninsured Americans purchase private health insurance.