Fed Policies Are Setting the Stage for Another Bust: NCPA

NCPA: By the time the Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and the other members of the Board of Governors become concerned about their easy money policies, they will have set the stage for another “bust,” like the 2008 financial crisis, warns Richard Ebeling, BB&T Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Free Enterprise Leadership at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, in a new study from National Center for Policy Analysis.

Raise the Minimum Wage?

NCPA: Raising the minimum wage is a politically popular – but ultimately inefficient – way to lift people out of poverty, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis Research Associate Joshua Latshaw.

Innovative Teaching Methods Key to STEM Engagement

NCPA: In order to fill the growing number of STEM openings over the next several years, schools across Texas must reevaluate how STEM subjects are taught, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis Senior Research Fellow Lloyd Bentsen IV.

Texas Electrical Grid Must Not Be Left Vulnerable

NCPA: Several critical pieces of legislation are moving through committee to secure the Texas electrical grid from both natural disaster, man-made electromagnetic pulses and terrorist attacks. These threats have been classified as real danger by federal agencies, according to NCPA President/CEO Allen West and Dallas Eagle Forum President Trayce Bradford in a publication by the NCPA

Accounting Techniques Hurting Competition, Small Businesses

NCPA: Last In First Out” valuation hinders the ability of investors to understand the true financial condition of the firms they’re investing in and puts small companies at a severe disadvantage, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis Research Associate Santiago Bello.

Dynamic Scoring: A Better Way to Evaluate Taxes

NCPA: Instituting the “dynamic scoring” of proposed tax law changes would force lawmakers to weigh the bad against the good in considering new spending programs and their cost to the American people, says NCPA Senior Fellow David Tuerck in a new report.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald in Irving, TX April 3rd

NCPA: Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Glenn Greenwald, the lawyer and author who interviewed National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden and launched an international debate over free speech and national security, will speak at an April 3rd Irving, TX luncheon sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis and the Hatton W. Sumners Foundation.

“Sick Day” HSAs Would Benefit Workers

NCPA: Expanding Health Savings Account (HSA) eligibility to all employees would help them more effectively replace income lost due to illness than mandating seven days of paid sick leave, says NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick in a new report.

NCPA to Tackle Government Transparency

NCPA: Can we prevent another market-mortgage economic crash? As economic experts from many sectors warn of an impending economic crash – possibly of equal magnitude to the Great Recession of 2008 – the National Center for Policy Analysis will create a task force to research and report on the causes and effects of the 2008 financial crisis and recommend solutions for the future.