Pension Tension

The debate about Social Security's future is raging across America. President Bush's Social Security Commission has provoked a full court political attack by the Democratic Party. The debate is full of sound and fury signifying a great deal. Its outcome will affect the pocketbooks and pensions of virtually every American under 60.

Focus Point – The Precautionary Principle

A number of environmentalists citing the adage "better safe than sorry," argue the so-called precautionary principle should be used in making policy. Thus, technology shouldn't be used until it be shown it's no threat to humans or the environment. Sounds reasonable in theory, but it's disastrous in practice.

Focus Point – Capital Gains

I'm glad we have President Bush's modest tax cut and the phase out of the death tax, but is there a less fair, less productive tax than the capital gains tax? We should do away with it for both philosophical and practical reasons.

Focus Point – My TV Secret

I have a confession to make. It concerns television, and a show I like. Don't worry, it's not MTV. I haven't completely lost my mind. But some might consider this admission almost as bad.

Lessons On Liberty

School children across the country begin their annual trek back into our nation's classrooms this month. As they open up their history textbooks they are likely to read about names like Washington and Jefferson, Adams and Madison, Franklin and Paine, Trenchard and Gordon.

Focus Point – Dem Polls

I was intrigued — though not surprised — by the recent poll which reported that half of Americans surveyed couldn't come up with a single name when asked who the leader of the Democratic Party was.

Yes: "Social Security Does Really Need To Be Fixed"

Today's Social Security benefits are paid for by today's payroll taxes. As the nation's population ages – with people living longer and having fewer kids – the taxes we collect will at some point no longer be enough to cover all the benefits we are promising.

Give 'Em Hell, George

As any governor will tell you, the very best day of the year is when the legislature packs up and heads home. Suddenly the contentiousness, the raw politics and the legislative pressure are gone, and one is tempted to raise his hands to the sky and shout, "Free at last!"

Focus Point – Good English

Good, entertaining books about english usage are always welcome, from Edwin Newman's several books to John Simon's out-of-print-but-worth-finding paradigms lost to Brian Garner's dictionary of American usage. To these I would like to add Barbara Wallraff's "Word Court," which is now out in paperback.

Focus Point – Third World Poverty

After 50 years of pouring billions of dollars into the third world to alleviate poverty, what do organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have to show for it? Not much. In fact, living standards in many poor countries actually declined?

Focus Point – Privacy

When I read that house majority leader Dick Armey and the ACLU agreed on something, I assumed it was a mistake. I had some stronger coffee, but the results came out the same. And sure enough, I agree with them too.