Focus Point – Money and Politics

Taking the politics out of government, an ex-Clintonista recently said, is like taking the math out of physics. I agree with the spirit, if not with the context of the quotation, which bashed George W. But I note it to add that taking money out of politics is equally pointless.

Focus Point – The Olympics

It was with sad acceptance I noted Beijing's choice as the host city for the 2008 Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee put its blinders on and bought the fiction that sports is apolitical.

Focus Point – Congress and Health

The house and senate are getting ready to hash out differences in their versions of the patients' bill of rights. Frankly, most of this legislation is going to wind up being costly and unnecessary, as work by the NCPA and others has shown, but if I have to live with one version, give me the one from the house, as research by the Employment Policy Foundation proves.

Focus Point – Castro

One of the more repellent spectacles of the last couple of weeks was Fidel Castro's unveiling of the Elian Gonzales Museum. It's a fabrication dedicated to twisting the history of the cuban kid's sojourn in the U.S. into a triumph of communist doctrine.

Focus Point – School Spending

What makes students learn more? It's been taken for granted for years that spending more money could fix the problem. So the American Legislative Exchange Council looked at expenditures and test scores from 1976 to 2000.

Private Social Security Already in Action

According to the naysayers, allowing workers to contribute to personal retirement accounts would likely leave many retirees in the poor house. This could not be further from the truth. Need proof? Just look at the experience of three counties in Texas that have been under a private system for more than two decades

Focus Point – Govt. Vs Private

I came across what seemed an arcane study in an off-beat publication, economic intuition. It had to do with explorations to the arctic in the 19th century, but its message is worth noting in the early 21st.

Focus Point – Educational Fads

Public education has had to suffer through some awful fads over the years. Whole language was such a disaster California had to spend billions to reverse the damage done to students. "Fuzzy math" was so horrible, 200 leading scientists and mathematicians signed a letter denouncing it.

Focus Point – Irish Economy

I reported some time ago on the Irish economic comeback. Ireland used supply side economics and huge corporate, personal and capital gains tax cuts to turn a virtual third world country into what's been nicknamed "The Celtic Miracle."

Focus Point – Independence Day

Today, for the fourth of July, I'd like to celebrate independence — for people who don't have it. When you fly your flag today, or shoot off a bottle rocket, or just do whatever you please because you can do it, remember someone who can't. Ever. Because the liberty we take for granted is a special case. So think about: