Focus Point – XFL

the XFL the end of civilization? No, but you can see it from there. The fact that a bunch of has beens, wanna bes and never weres could pull respectable ratings is bad enough, simply considered as a demonstration of football.

Focus Point – Fixing California

Now that California has hit the wall with rolling blackouts, demonized out-of-state power companies and the state has decided to do what it should have done a decade ago: Build some power plants, my reaction is, we'll see.

Teaching Capitalism

Exchange City is an economics education program run by Junior Achievement, a fourteen-business city that on this day was populated by seventy-five students from the Norwood Elementary School in the Interboro School District in Delaware County, Pa.


Europeans cling to their belief that government must be the central organizing principle of their society. One would think the fall of the Berlin Wall would have taught them otherwise. But no, Europeans insist on centralized organization of everything–for as any Frenchman will tell you, anything not controlled by governing elites is suspect and dangerous.

Focus Point – Texas Deregulation

Yesterday I talked about California's disastrous attempt to deregulate electricity – by letting environmentalists stop the building of new plants, then forcing power companies to buy at market rates while selling to customers whose rates had been frozen.

Focus Point – The Electoral College

In the 1960 World Series, New York outhit Pittsburgh 91 to 60, and outscored them 55 to 27. But Pittsburgh was the World Champion because it won four games to three. Now, imagine how different baseball would be if the series was decided by the most runs scored, or the most base hits.

Integrity Is Back

There are a great many things we do not yet know about President Bush: how he will react under the pressure of an international crisis, whether he will be forceful in rejecting the malevolent hyperbole of the Ted Kennedy left. He is a quiet man, seemingly confident within and with a brief, serious style. But we do not yet know just how he will govern.

Focus Point – A Century of Prices

The Economist ran one of those end-of-the-century features that caught my eye. It concerned the mysteries of the market, the way prices of things rose and fell during the 20th century.

Focus Point – Pardoning Clinton

Regarding the proposed Bush pardon of Bill Clinton for his many crimes in office, my initial reaction was heck, no. First, it's not Bush's business. Second, Clinton has been found guilty of perjury by a court.

Focus Point – Democracy by Lot

John McCain is back in the fight, pushing what he calls campaign finance reform and what I call limiting free speech. So before he puts an end to the First Amendment, let me offer a modest proposal.

Focus Point – The Burden of Bad Ideas

You know when a conservative book gets favorable reviews from the New York Times, the Washington Post, and former Colorado governor Richard Lamm, a self-proclaimed member of the liberal democratic tradition, that somebody's doing something right.

The Banana Republic of California

California is running out of electricity. Lights must be dimmed, thermostats turned down, holiday lights extinguished. Intel announces the unreliability of electric power will cause it to build new manufacturing facilities in other states. Newspaper headlines warn: "California Prepares for Rolling Blackouts."