Bush Should Learn From Dos and Don'ts From Clinton

As the man from Hope hands over the keys to the Oval office and every media outlet airs a Clinton retrospective, President Bush should quickly reflect on the Clinton era and learn the lessons of what to do and what not to do as president that his eight years have provided.

Focus Point – Thinking Big On Vouchers

Some pundits warn George W. Bush that pushing school choice will cost him bipartisan support. But I was intruiged by an argument put forth recently by Matthew Miller of The Manhattan Institute, namely, that Bush's voucher plan isn't bold enough.

Populism in Search of Legitimacy

In truth the Electoral College is not unfair, any more than requiring the World Series Champion to win four games is somehow unfair to teams that score more runs. It is a very good system; its replacement with a direct popular vote to choose our president would alter the solar system of American politics and trigger the demise of a great many cherished American principles.

Focus Point – Review

Best policy initiatives: House and Senate passage of a package of bills that would have phased out death taxes and the marriage penalty, increased the amount we could have contributed to our IRAs.

Senator Lot

Sen. John McCain has pledged his life, fortune and sacred honor to limiting political speech in the name of campaign-finance reform. But before we eviscerate the First Amendment, let me offer a modest proposal for cleaning up politics.

Focus Point – New Year's Reflections

I'm Pete du Pont with the National Center for Policy Analysis with best wishes for the new year. My grandmother was 14 when the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk, and 80 when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. "That's a lot of change in one lifetime," she said. She didn't know the half of it.

Focus Point – The Tax Cut

was glad to see president-elect Bush is sticking to his plan for a $1.3 trillion tax cut over ten years, despite the pooh-poohing of the chattering classes.

Focus Point – EPA Strikes Again

Well, the Environmental Protection Agency is at it again, this time trying to fine business hundreds of millions of dollars and damaging the environment in the process. Even for this bunch, that's pretty impressive.

Focus Point – Election Final

The electoral college endorsement of George W. Bush should have been an afterthought, but sore losers wouldn't let it be. Al Gore had already conceded, but democratic operatives were still at work.

Focus Point – Christmas

It's christmas, and I hope it's a glorious day for you and yours. At some point during the Christmas Season, you've probably heard the famous "Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus" letter – but probably only that line. The whole thing is much more.

Focus Point – Unintended Consequences

Today, a lesson in unintended consequences. In the 1970s, anti-corporate activists organized a worldwide boycott of the Nestle Corporation to stop them from distributing free samples of infant formula in developing nations. They claimed women in third world countries were being pressured by advertising not to breast feed.

Focus Point – George W. 2

Today, more free advice to George W. Bush, starting with his cabinet. First, find an Attorney General of the highest integrity, and have him assist local authorities in the prosecution of vote fraud in Florida. Select an outstanding Treasury Secretary; your administration (and all of us) will rise or fall on the economy.