Focus Point – The Phony Digital Divide

"Digital Divide" is how some people describe the underrepresentation of blacks and hispanics in top technical positions, supposedly because they didn't have early Internet access. They see racism at work.

Focus Point – Drug Prices

During the election, both major candidates touted prescription drug spending plans with the fervor of cold war warriors urging more money for national defense. But before the next administration goes crazy, it should check out a story in the November 6 Business Week.

Starving off a Recession

The second most discussed subject in recent days – after who is going to be president – seems to be whether an economic recession is imminent. And the answer is … your guess and mine are as good as anybody's.

Focus Point – The Transition

When you think about it, ten weeks is not a lot of time to get ready to run a government. That's why the transition is so important. And bush — and as we go to press, it's still bush — as leader of the out party has it tougher than Gore would have.

Focus Point – The Election

At this moment, George Bush is still the declared winner in Florida, and Al Gore is still in a snit. I can't fault him. He lost the presidency of the United States. I've lost elections, and it's not a good feeling.

10 Resolutions for Congress this New Year

2000 featured one of the most contentious and controversially close elections in our history. As 2001 dawns, it's time to take stock and resolve to do better in the coming year. Here are ten resolutions that Congress should consider this year.

Focus Point – Presidential Rankings

Everybody loves lists. A survey by the Federalist Society and the Wall Street Journal polled 78 scholars to rank the 39 presidents who served more than a few months in office. It's billed as the most politically balanced ranking available.

Focus Point – A Bad Election Idea

William F. Buckley once said he'd rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the Boston phone book than by the Harvard University faculty. I thought of that when I read Harvard law professor Lawrence Tribe's New York Times article which offered this solution to the Florida vote dispute: A *corrective election.* People who voted on Election Day would sign affadavits for a second election promising to vote for *whichever candidate they had intended to vote for on Election Day.*

Focus Point – The Debt

Earlier this year, Bill Clinton announced the National Debt had been reduced by $360 billion over three years, and $223 billion over the last year alone. But according to the Bureau of the Public Debt, the total debt at the end of FY 2000 was up about $261 billion over three years.

Focus Point – Deregulating the Inner City

We typically think of deregulation as applying to business, but a new report, "Comeback Cities: A Blueprint for Urban Neighborhood Revival," by Paul S. Grogan and Tony Proscio from the Westview Press, shows it works in urban policy too.

Focus Point – Fixing Crime

U.S. prison populations fell in the '60s and early '70s. Americans got fed up with crime and criminals, and government started incarcerating more people. By the early '90s, the prison population was up nine percent, and crime was down: Potential criminals were deterred by the prospect of prison.

Focus Point – Free Economies

The Index of Economic Freedom', Seventh Edition is out. The Heritage Foundation report shows the number of free or mostly free economies has increased, but unfree economies still outnumber them, 81 to 74.