Focus Point – Vouchers Pay Off

As the excuses for not giving school vouchers a chance get flimsier by the day, a study from the Heartland Institute pokes a hole in another one: that they'll drain money from public education.

Focus Point – Kyoto News

Some people collect stamps. I collect reasons why the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty would be a disaster, and I recently acquired a wonderful new addition to my collection.

Focus Point – Clearing the air

Al Gore says Texas is the most polluted state in the country. The League of Conservation Voters says George W. Bush's tenure has led to worsening air quality that if duplicated nationally would set us back 30 years.

Focus Point – Splitting Microsoft

The government's spending a lot of time and effort to break up Microsoft, but is the law of unintended consequences lurking in the weeds? Alan Reynolds of the Hudson Institute thinks so. He asks why splitting Microsoft in two won't just create two monopolies.

Focus Point – The Crashing Curriculum

Here's a quiz for you: who knows a lot about racial, ethnic and sexual politics, but very little about literary history, Shakespeare and the classic authors of the Western philosophy? Answer: more and more college English graduates.

Focus Point – Hate Crimes

The senate has passed a so-called hate crimes law. I know those who voted for it had their hearts in the right place. But i could never have joined them.

Focus Point – Thoughts for the Fourth

The fourth of July is the time for Americans to feel good about their country, and I won't detract from that festive mood. The economy's great, the cold war's receding to a passage in the history books, technological advancements continue apace….what's not to like?

Focus Point – A Political Dilemma

Al Gore got a potentially nasty bit of news recently when Ralph Nader accepted the green party nomination for president. In the past, the greens have come in below other third parties, but grumblings on the left, a rise of no-nothingism in such areas as free trade, and a big-name candidate like Nader could put the greens on the map. He's attacking the hustings this time with vigor, and it's paying off: he's polling six percent nationally and ten percent in some states.

Focus Point – Corporate Welfare

I lauded the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 as long overdue. But I found myself on the same side as some liberal critics of welfare reform. And I still do, because we've only gone halfway in reforming welfare.

Focus Point – Survivor

If it's summer, you know television is going to start dumbing down, and this year the dumbest is "Survivor." you know the drill: a bunch of losers get dumped on an island; they bicker, whine, eat rodents and the sole survivor wins a lot of money.

Focus Point – Bill of Wrongs

President Clinton's proposed "Patients' Bill Of Rights" is strangely named. According to a study by the Pacific Research Institute, it's really a lawyers' bill of rights — because of all the federal regulations that will be dumped on health care companies.

Real Defense Against Missile Attack

A central purpose of the Constitution of the United States of America was to "provide for the common defense" and American taxpayers annually cough up $300 billion in pursuit of such security. And what protection do these outlays provide against the most destructive weapon of all, the long-range ballistic missile? None.

Who Will the Economy Hurt or Help Come November?

The conventional wisdom is that a good economy helps Al Gore and a bad economy hurts him. Certainly Mr. Gore thinks so. Lately, he has been doing all he can to make it seem as if he had something to do with the strong growth, low inflation and unemployment we are experiencing.