Focus Point – Internet Success

Well, the proof is in: the new economy is a job-creating, profit-generating monster. According to a University of Texas study, the Internet industry added 650,000 jobs last year and increased its revenues by 62 percent. Companies or parts of companies that generate revenue from Internet activities accounted for two and a half million jobs and $524 billion in revenue last year.

Focus Point – The Best Man

When the Gallup Poll asked Americans to rate the presidents since 1960, guess who came out second — over LBJ and even Ronald Reagan? George Bush. And in a recent New Republic article, the Brookings Institution's Jonathon Rauch applauded the results, calling Bush our best modern president.

Focus Point – *Duty*

I'd like to recommend a book by columnist Bob Greene. Greene wanted to write about his dying World War II veteran father and the war that shaped him and many of his generation. In the process, he got to know another man who lived in his home town of Columbus, Ohio, a man who had consistently avoided publicity and in fact had dodged Greene's interview requests for years: Paul Tibbets, the man who dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

Al Gore's Risky Social Security Scheme

For a number of years there was a general perception among voters that candidates for high office never addressed issues of importance to the average person. This perception made it easy for many Americans to turn off and to tune out.

Texas Concealed Handgun Carriers: Law-abiding Public Benefactors

Unless you've lived under a rock for the past six months, you're probably aware that gun control has become a major issue in the 2000 presidential campaign. Vice President Al Gore, a strong gun control advocate, has accused his presidential opponent, Texas Gov. George W. Bush, of being wrong and out of step by supporting and signing into law a law granting Texans the right to carry concealed firearms.

Focus Point – A Language Lapse

There's a case of language abuse I'd like to draw your attention to, spotted mostly recently in an op-ed by Sylvia Hewlett in the New York Times. I'm not picking on Hewlett; her's was just the most recent place I caught the error.

Focus Point – The Death Of Civics

If you're, say, 35 or older, I want you to think back to your early schooling. Did you have civics, or social studies, or some similar class? Sure, and so did most others your age or older.

Focus Point – The Case Against Hillary

If you want to read a knife-through-the-heart political analysis, one that should be read, if not by every American then at least by every New Yorker, get Peggy Noonan's "The Case Against Hillary Clinton."

Focus Point – The Equal Pay Day Hoax

I hope you gave last week's "equal pay day" the attention it deserved, which was none at all. It was the day on which women's advocacy groups propagated the myth that women earn only 76 cents for every dollar men earn and are barred from rising to positions of importance by a glass ceiling.

Focus Point – Riding Out the Market

You could get seasick watching the DOW and the NASDAQ rise and plunge, but should that throw cold water on the idea of letting people put part of their Social Security payroll tax into personal, market retirement accounts?

Focus Point – Apologies to Elian

Yesterday I talked about the way Elian Gonzalez was used by democratic party donors as a carnival exhibit. It's just one more thing to apologize to him for — along with, of course, sending him back to Cuba. This administration clearly won't apologize to him. So I will.

Focus Point – Elian on Display

Well, Elian Gonzalez has attended his first democratic fundraiser. I thought after the Reno's raiders conclusion to the Elian Gonzalez standoff there wouldn't be any further way for the government to embarrass itself. But I guess I should no better.

Focus Point – George W's Environment Record

Critics blast George W. Bush's environmental record as Texas Governor because Texas ranks first on the EPA's toxic release inventory, and Houston surpassed Los Angeles as the city with the country's "dirtiest" air. Well, both claims are misleading.