Focus Point – Minimum Wage

I'm Pete du Pont with the National Center for Policy Analysis. It's bad enough Congress gave Bill Clinton his one dollar minimum wage hike. Worse is the lame reasoning from …

Good News No Excuse for Inaction on Social Security Reform

Two pieces of good news were announced recently. First, the nation's economy grew an unprecedented 7.3 percent during the last quarter of 1999. Second, due in part to this tremendous growth, the Social Security trust fund is predicted to have an extra three years of life, pushing back the projected insolvency date to 2037.

Focus Point – Big Spending Republicans

The political trend that's pained me most over the past few years has been the inability of Congressional Republicans to stick to the promises of 1994. I've given examples before. Now, Investor's Business Daily is the latest to run the numbers.

Focus Point – Real Campaign Reform

President Clinton is wrong about Bradley Smith. Clinton nominated Smith — reluctantly — to the Federal Election Commission. Republicans and Democrats each nominate three people to the commission. Smith's a Republican who, Clinton says, hates campaign reform.

Focus Point – Taxing the Net

The battle to keep Internet commerce tax free won a small victory last week when a Blue Ribbon Commission voted to extend the moratorium on Internet taxes until 2006.

Focus Point – Really Helping the Uninsured

Every year the federal governments "spends" about $125 billion in tax subsidies (read: Your Money) encouraging people to buy private health insurance. But the number of uninsured is 44 million and growing. How come? Because the subsidies actually cause people to decline insurance.

The End of the Sales Tax?

The commission studying Internet taxation has been hearing two starkly different scenarios of our future with e-commerce. On the one hand, the word is that taxing Internet commerce will kill the goose just as it begins to lay golden eggs. On the other hand, there are predictions that state and local government revenue bases will dry up unless Internet sales are subject to the same taxes that apply to traditional bricks-and-mortar businesses.

Focus Point – Ending the Earnings Limit

Stop the presses — Congress is about to do a very good thing. It looks like it's going to repeal the Social Security Earnings Test for those who retire at 65. Democrats have fought it for years with their class warfare rhetoric. But commonsense appears to have won the day.

In Defense of Bradley Smith

"He hates campaign finance reform, Bradley Smith does," Mr. Clinton said. No, Mr. President. Bradley Smith favors campaign finance reform. Real reform, that is, not just writing a new bunch of regulations that Democrats and Republicans alike will immediately find ways to get around.

Focus Point – Flunking History

Well, here's a happy bit of news. According to the Washington Times, a recent survey of seniors at the nation's top 55 universities showed four out of five were ignorant of even the most basic elements of American History. Most can go through four years of college without taking one history course. The soon-to-graduate-and-be-loosed-on-the-world students demonstrated what critics called "profound historical illiteracy".

Focus Point – Baseball

Someone once said that the most beautiful words in the English language were "Summer afternoon." I beg to differ. I think the most beautiful words in the English language are "Pitchers and catchers report to Florida in two weeks."

California on Super Tuesday

The media spin coming out of "Super Tuesday" was, of course, the performance of the presidential candidates. More interesting, though, were the fortunes of the many propositions that littered California's ballot.