Time for Patient Power

We can be sure of one thing, no matter who wins the presidency, no matter which party or parties control the House and the Senate: health care will be rationed. For that matter, it's being rationed now.

Focus Point – Where's Chicken Little?

Now that January's winding up, I'm still awaiting the return of the chicken littles. I'd like to think Y2K shut them up, but I doubt it. Not when there's still recession, debt, trade disaster and evil globalism to rant against. But just as with the Y2K non-disaster, the evidence, as Dallas fed economist Richard Alm recently pointed out, is on the side of the optimists.

Let's Not Add Another Entitlement

Our unemployment insurance system needs to be reformed. Although most employers pay a payroll tax on all their workers for the purpose, only 38% of the unemployed get benefits. Furthermore, the system is subject to abuse, and economists agree that the benefits encourage the jobless to stay unemployed longer.

Focus Point – Smart Moves in the House

Late last year I suggested that if republicans want to pass tax cuts this session, they should hold off on a huge package that Bill Clinton and congressional liberals can demagogue to death and cherry pick instead. In other words, go with the most attractive, easiest-to-sell cuts.

Focus Point – The Feds Crack Down on Charity

I had to read the wall street journal story twice to believe it. The department of health and human services investigated a new jersey hospital which treated any patient, rich or poor, for free. And now, the Deborah Heart and Lung Center faces civil and criminal charges, prosecution and fines — for dispensing charity.

Focus Point – George W. Bush

I have to acknowledge a queasy sense of DEJA VU when governor George W. Bush promised no new taxes — indeed, promised a tax cut — during a recent debate. At least he didn't say "read my lips."

Focus Point – Jesse Jackson

It's official. Jesse Jackson has finally gone over the edge. It was bad enough that Jackson railed against punishing kids who started a riot in the stands at a football game.

Focus Point – Sensible Defense

Last year, when Congress rejected the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, you'd have thought they voted down mom, apple pie and the flag. But their sense of History was working just fine.

Focus Point – OSHA Oversteps

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration, OSHA, floated a plan last week that makes companies with people who work at home responsible for their workplaces. The nanny state just took a big step forward.

The Leftward March Toward a Single Payer System

If at first you don't succeed, take smaller steps and people won't realize where you're going. This is the new motto of the liberal movement, now at the tail end of the Clinton presidency. Learning from him, incrementalism is now seen as their key to victory.

Focus Point – Rational Gun Policy

I have bad news for the trial lawyers and Clinton administration officials are pursuing constitutionally and legally dubious lawsuits against gun manufacturers. They're trying to recover public costs of what they call criminal and negligent gun misuse. The bad news? The public isn't with them.

Focus Point – USA, Inc.

Sometimes ideas are so breathtaking they can't be summed up a couple of hundred words. In this case, it's a piece in the December second issue of Intellectual Capital dot com by Alex Lightman. It's an interesting plan to take the United States public.