How Right Is McCain?

John McCain will be the Republican Party's presidential candidate in November. Most Republicans certainly know who John McCain is, but there still seems to be a question as to just …

Where They Stand

Three states down (Iowa, Wyoming, and New Hampshire), and 47 to go. Seven candidates–from Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain on top, to Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Rudy …

Bali Who?

Ten years ago, as the 1997 Kyoto Agreement was about to be signed, the Senate on a 95-0 vote passed a resolution stating that the United States should not be …

Unions 2, Children 1

One hundred eleven years ago, in 1896, the state of Utah joined the Union. Today its Legislature is focused on enacting sound policies that will help improve its education system. …

Inconvenient Tax Truths

Nobel Peace laureate Al Gore believes global warming is "an inconvenient truth." Here are some economic truths that America's liberal leadership finds too inconvenient to support. Click here to read …

Chill Pill

There is both global warming and global cooling on the planet Earth. There always has been and there always will be, because temperature change is cyclical: The Earth's temperature oscillates …


Resolved: Congress should pass and send to the states for ratification a Constitutional Amendment: Setting a maximum contribution limit any campaign donor–individual, organization, or interest group–may contribute to any Presidential …

Just Drill, Baby

America's domestic oil production is declining, importation of oil is rising, and gasoline is more expensive. The government's Energy Information Administration reports that U.S. crude oil field production declined to …

Security First

The immigration bill may be back on the Senate floor this week, and the policies that are adopted will have a significant impact on the sovereignty, security, economic growth and …

Dems Want You to Take a Hike

The hottest domestic political issue of the coming two years will be federal income taxes. The Democratic Party is for a big tax increase, via repeal of the Bush tax …

Air Power

Where does America get its electrical power, the annual four billion megawatt-hours of electricity consumed by our industries, cities, transportation, hospitals, homes and personal needs? Coal plants provide 51% of …

Year of the Donkey

We do not know who will be the next president, but for now we know the worm has turned: The Democratic Party is gaining and the Republican Party is losing …

Plus Ça (Climate) Change

When Eric the Red led the Norwegian Vikings to Greenland in the late 900s, it was an ice-free farm country–grass for sheep and cattle, open water for fishing, a livable …

A Spending Sham

A fresh new Congress has come to Washington, run by a different party, with different leadership and very different ideas.

Watch Your Wallet

Sixty-one percent of Americans believe President Bush is not doing a satisfactory job. And more than 70% think the Republican Congress has failed to perform its job satisfactorily.

Bleak House

Two weeks from tonight America is going to be different–first politically and then substantively–for Democrats will likely take control of the House, and move public policy in very liberal directions.

Trash the 'Compact'

Last week the California Senate passed legislation to award the state's Electoral College votes to the candidate who has received the most popular votes nationally–whether Californians chose him or not.

Addicted to Regulat

In his State of the Union Address, President Bush said that "America is addicted to oil." But it would be more accurate to say that America is addicted to opportunity, and oil and its products help us seize it.

Dog the Swag

Splitting up the swag ("booty, money, valuables") seems to be what the congressional Republican Party is about.