
Host intro: What should you be thankful for this Thanksgiving? Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis has a few suggestions.


Host intro: Before the Texaco racial discrimination case slips off the front page and out of our collective memory, Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis has a word about punishment and boycotts.

Willie Brown Health Care Plan

Host intro: Those who don't understand history are condemned to repeat it. And Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says San Francisco mayor Willie Brown should read some history – fast.

Kinder, Gentler Losers

Host intro: In 1980, 1984 and 1988, Republicans carried 44, 49 and 40 states respectively. The last two elections, that's dropped to 18 and 19 states. Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis isn't happy.

Moynihan Review

Host intro: Stop the presses: Pete du Pont has something nice to say about a Democrat. Actually, as the policy chairman of the National Center for Policy Analysis reminds us, there are Democrats and there are Democrats…….

Could Thanksgiving Have Originated Today?

It's Thanksgiving once again and all across America individuals, families and groups will be sitting down in front of a traditional Thanksgiving meal of turkey and dressing. And many will take the time to give thanks for all the blessings we have received as individuals and as a nation.

Affirmative Action for Women

Host intro: A recent study reports that even though women make up 46 percent of the workforce, they represent only 10 percent of corporate officers at the 500 largest corporations. Is this an argument for affirmative action? Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says no.

J.P. Mauro Book Review

Host intro: A cleric once asked why the devil should get all the good tunes. Today, Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis wonders why liberals should get all the laughs.

American Intelligence

Host intro: Fighting Communism guided American foreign policy for fifty years. Now what will organize our efforts? Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says it's an especially important question for the CIA.

Blacks and Social Security

Host intro: The Social Security system is going broke. But Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says that's not the only problem. Du Pont says in the Social Security gamble, there are big winners and big losers.


Host intro: How far should the united states go to guard against terrorism? Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says the first thing to do is ask the right questions.

Soak the Rich: Cut Their Tax Rates!

Raising taxes on the wealthy has been a staple of liberal dogma since Karl Marx championed the idea in Das Kapital in 1867. Modern liberals – Clinton, Kennedy, Bonior, et al – always see the need to raise taxes on the wealthy to make them pay their "fair share."


Host intro: As welfare reform goes into effect, states will be deciding how programs should operate. Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says some states are already on the job.


Host intro: Today's election day. Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis wants to pay a final salute to the outgoing congress.

Tax Cut

Host intro: Tax cut plans are often called by critics a giveaway to the rich, but "rich," according to Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis, is in the eye of the beholder. For example, you and the IRS see very different things.

Campaign Finance Reform:

Thanks to, among other things, questions about money going from Indonesia to the Clinton campaign, it is very likely that campaign finance reform will be discussed fervently and frequently in the months ahead, regardless of who is elected President.

What to Do About Terrorism

How serious is the threat of terrorism in North America? Some argue that the menace of random political violence is so great that we should "Israelize" America. But this may sacrifice essential liberties on the altar of public security.

Charter Schools

Host intro: Charter schools — independent public schools freed from bureaucratic regulations — are under attack from the educational establishment. Pete du Pont of the National Center for Policy Analysis says you can often know something best by studying its enemies.

Roaring of the Toothless Lions

If the Democrats should regain control of the House of Representatives in November – which is at least within the realm of possibility – its leadership would be arguably the most liberal in the nation's history. Not necessarily the followership, though. And that very fact might ensure that the 105th Congress accomplished little – which could be the best thing that could happen for the general welfare, given the circumstances.

Bob Dole's Tax Cut

Since Bob Dole announced his proposal for a 15 percent across-the-board tax rate reduction on August 5th, virtually all of the discussion of it has been about the economic dimension. Who will get it? How much it will increase growth? How will it be paid for?

Clinton's Second Term Economic Program?

Ronald Reagan exhorted conservatives to "paint our vision in such bold primary colors that no one will misunderstand our intention." Now the liberal left has taken a page from the Gipper's playbook. Not since George McGovern's presidential campaign has there been a clearer, bolder depiction of the liberal left's brave new world than in the Philadelphia Inquirer's recent series entitled, "A Nation in Search of Answers."

Is Wimping Out the Way to Go?

The Republican majority in Congress has figured out how to avoid another budget battle with President Clinton – surrender, and give the president the additional spending he wants.

Is Social Security Fair to Black Males?

Social Security as it currently exists is a gamble Ð one in which some people win and others lose. Statistically speaking, we know which segments of the population will win and which will lose. Ethically speaking, we ought to be outraged because the system is patently unfair.

Al Gore Is Only Blowing Smoke

President Clinton has won a reputation for being able to hold two sides of the same issue at almost any time and getting away with it. But having seen the vice president's convention speech about the death of his sister, I know that President Clinton has some real competition from his running mate.

The Good Old Bad Old Days

In his speech accepting the Democratic presidential nomination, President Clinton decried "the bad old days of the '80s," implying that he would save the country from experiencing anything like that decade again if he were reelected.