Reflections During Black History Month: What Public Policies Are Hurting African-Americans?

During a time when people reflect on the struggles and accomplishments of African-Americans over many decades, many agree that “more can be done” to ensure economic opportunity for all Americans. But the demand that the “more” must be done by government through a stronger safety net, wealth redistribution and mandated equality measures overshadows the years of evidence that more often than not, government programs fail

Uninsured by Choice

The Census Bureau recently reported that the number of Americans without health insurance fell to around 38.7 million in 2000, down about 600,000 from 1999 and well below the record 44.3 million who were uninsured in 1998. However, with health care costs increasing and the economy slowing, many public health advocates are worried that this number might soon begin to rise. Why do more than 38 million Americans lack health insurance? Who are they?

Right Idea, Wrong Method

President Bush's attempt to draw attention to the social contribution of religious charities represents the best spirit of progressive conservatism. It is an attempt to move away from failed government programs of the past and push toward expanding private and often religious programs that have consistently worked to integrate the poor into productive economic life.

The Private Sector Is Closing the Digital Divide

As computers and the Internet revolutionize society, the need to have the latest and greatest technology is paramount. Since 1995 the U.S. Commerce Department has released three reports stating that certain segments of society have access to advanced technology, while others do not. This "digital divide" is said to be based on ethnicity, income and locale. President Clinton has proposed a $2 billion initiative to close this alleged digital divide. Vice President Gore has made similar proposals. Yet the digital divide that does exist is small and is being rapidly closed, thanks to private markets and charities.

Portland: Smart Growth's Bad Example

City officials and planners from all over the world are traveling to Portland, Ore., for a first hand look at the municipal pioneer of Smart Growth (also known as the New Urbanism), the latest fad in urban planning. Smart Growth promises less congestion, less air pollution, reduced infrastructure costs, more affordable housing and protection of open space through six basic policies…

Languishing in Foster Care

More than half a million American children are in government-run foster care today. The federal government dictates — and funds — much of foster care policy, but states carry it out. Originally intended to provide safe, temporary homes for abused children, the $12 billion foster care system frequently keeps children in care for years — long after they are legally free to be adopted.

How Not To Be Poor

There is a strong correlation between poverty and certian behaviors. Thus one solution to the problem of poverty is to encourage young Americans to avoid behavior that will tend to lead them into poverty.

How Poor Are The Poor?

Although the poverty rate receives the most attention, another recent Census Bureau report adds an important perspective on the state of the poor in America today.

Choice in Education: Opportunities for Texas

Until now, educational reform in Texas has consisted in pouring billions of dollars of new spending into failing school systems and enacting scroes of rules and regulations governing everything from teachers' salaries to pupil-teacher ratios. There is no evidense that this approach has worked any better in Texas than it has in any other state.

Report Card on Texas Schools

This report is based on academic tests administered to more than 1,400,000 Texas school children in more than 1,000 school districts in the 1988-1988 academic school year. The Texas Educational Assessment of Minimal Skills (TEAMS) tests measure student performance in the areas of reading, writing and mathmatics for students in grades 1,3,5,7 and 9; and in the areas of mathmatics and language arts for students in grade 11.