Jan 20, 2011

NCPA senior fellow Devon Herrick will be the keynote speaker at the Lone Star Healthcare Financial Management Association meeting. His topic is: What’s on the horizon in health care and …

Jan 13, 2011

NCPA President and Kellye Wright Fellow, Dr. John Goodman will participate in a panel session for the Texas Public Policy Foundation Annual Policy Orientation in Austin, Texas. The topic will …

Nov 16, 2010

NCPA Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. will speak to Praxis, Hillsdale College’s economics club, in Hillsdale, Michigan.  Dr. Burnett’s topic will be The Politics and Economics of Cap-and-Trade.

Nov 15, 2010

NCPA Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. will speak to a meeting of Hillsdale College’s Classical Liberal Organization in Hillsdale, Michigan.  Dr. Burnett’s topic will be Why Markets Protect the …

Nov 8, 2010

NCPA President John C. Goodman, Ph.D. and Kellye Wright Fellow will be a featured speaker at the Founders Forum at Gleneagles Country Club in Plano, TX.  Dr. Goodman’s topic with …

Nov 3, 2010

NCPA Senior Policy Analyst Pamela Villarreal will speak at the Palestine, Texas Rotary Club’s monthly meeting on The VAT:  A Good Idea for the United States?

Oct 24, 2010

NCPA Distinguished Fellow Robert McTeer will speak at the 2010 Management Team Conference for the North Carolina Bankers Association.

Oct 22, 2010

NCPA Senior Fellow, H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. will speak at a luncheon hosted by the  the Arizona Federalist Society in Phoenix, Arizona.  Dr. Burnett’s topic will be Cap-and-Trade: What it …

Oct 14, 2010

NCPA Distinguished Fellow Robert McTeer will speak at the 84th annual National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges in New Orleans.