Baby Boomers Will Retire With Too Much Debt

Baby Boomers are not saving enough for retirement because they are spending too much on mortgage debt and carrying this and other debts into their near-retirement years, according to a new study from the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA).

Do the Rich Pay Their Fair Share in Taxes?

The central theme of President Obama’s tax policy has been that ‘the rich’ do not pay their fair share of federal taxes, and the middle class pays more as a result. But a report issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) in July 2012 shows this to be false.

Is U.S. Transportation Infrastructure Falling Down?

In August 2007, the Interstate-35W bridge across the Mississippi River in Minneapolis suddenly collapsed, killing 13 people. The event led many to decry the state of the nation’s infrastructure, and stress the need for more federal funding to maintain and repair that infrastructure.

Disability versus Work

Entitlement reforms usually focus on changes in Social Security retirement benefits and Medicare. However, the disability component of Social Security is growing faster than retirement benefits and requires substantive reforms. Over the past three years, the number of Americans receiving disability benefits increased by more than 1 million, bringing the total number to 10.8 million. What is behind this surge?

It's Your Call

Industry Today: Pamela Villarreal advocates for the extension of the R&D tax credit to keep American companies competitive on the global scale.