It Is Time to Make the R and D Tax Credit Permanent

In December 2010, Congress extended the research and development tax credit through tax year 2011, but it has since lapsed and has not yet been renewed for 2012. The tax credit was first enacted in 1981 in an effort to improve the international competitiveness of American businesses by encouraging innovation and new technology.

Minimum Wage Myths

The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 an hour, but some states and cities have minimum wages that are significantly higher. Furthermore, eight states raised their minimum wage, effective January 1, 2012.

Paying for Pet Projects at the Pump

The federal and state governments levy taxes on gasoline and diesel fuel primarily to fund highway construction and repair. These taxes average 40 cents on every gallon of gas purchased. However, a significant portion of revenue is diverted to other purposes, such as education and public safety.

Infrastructure Funding: Taking the Wrong Path

A recent American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) report estimated the United States will need to spend $2.2 trillion over the next few years to bring the country’s infrastructure to acceptable levels. A $2 trillion projected estimate for infrastructure sounds daunting, but it is important to examine what planners consider ‘infrastructure.’

Bye Bye Biden?

Wall Street Journal: NCPA Board Chairman Pete du Pont weighs in on the President’s re-election bid if he bumps Biden for Clinton on the ballot.   

Temporary Employment: The New Permanent?

As the United States recovers from the 2008 recession, many consider any employment growth to be a good sign. But uncertainties about future tax and health care costs could be inhibiting permanent job growth, shifting more of the labor force to temporary and part-time employment.

More of the Same Old Change

The Wall Street Journal: In the last few years, as promised, the Obama administration has fundamentally transformed America. Our country is now in serious decline. Income is lower, unemployment is higher, jobs are fewer, government is much larger. Federal spending is way up, and America’s economic status is way down, as is the global view of our country and our economy. Hardly anyone sees any sign of economic recovery or improvement.

Is the Corporate Income Tax Regressive?

In a recent Iowa speech a heckler yelled at former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney to raise corporate taxes. Romney replied, ‘Corporations are people, my friend.’ He quickly clarified that statement to indicate that corporations are people because they are owned by people and that when you tax corporations you are taxing people — people who own corporations.

Weak Dollar Can Strengthen Economy in Other Ways

Dallas Morning News – Gov. Rick Perry’s complaint against the Federal Reserve is that loose monetary policy has weakened the value of the dollar. Bob McTeer, former president of the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, understands but says a weak dollar helps U.S. exports, one of the few strengths in the economy.