Fed Policies Are Setting the Stage for Another Bust: NCPA

NCPA: By the time the Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and the other members of the Board of Governors become concerned about their easy money policies, they will have set the stage for another “bust,” like the 2008 financial crisis, warns Richard Ebeling, BB&T Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Free Enterprise Leadership at The Citadel in Charleston, South Carolina, in a new study from National Center for Policy Analysis.

Raise the Minimum Wage?

NCPA: Raising the minimum wage is a politically popular – but ultimately inefficient – way to lift people out of poverty, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis Research Associate Joshua Latshaw.

Travel Taxes: The Hidden Trifecta

In recent years, in a drive toward more revenue, officials at every level of government have raised a trifecta of travel-based taxes dramatically. As a result, travelers bear large effective tax burdens that …

The Rand Paul Tax Plan

Senator Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) plan for comprehensive tax reform is generally much better than the status quo, but some of its elements could be substantially improved to make it more pro-economic growth. Additionally, …

West on Unions

FOX Business News: When you look at the states where industry and production and manufacturing have been leaving, it is because trade agreements have caused American jobs to be outsourced, says NCPA President/CEO Allen West in an interview on Fox Business News’ Cavuto: Coast to Coast.

How the Shale Gas Boom Creates Estate Tax Problems for Farmers

On April 16, 2015, the House of Representatives voted to repeal the estate tax.1  The Obama Administration decried the proposed tax cut and vowed a veto.2 The Senate is now considering a repeal bill introduced by Senator John Thune.3  With this controversial tax again in the news, it is time for a re-evaluation, because this tax stifles economic growth and punishes small business owners and farmers.

Real, Simple (and Transparent) Tax Reform

Every candidate running for the presidency in 2016 will trumpet tax reform as part of his or her agenda. The contenders may propose to reduce rates, eliminate deductions, or give credits for this or that. But real reform requires structural changes to the tax system. Otherwise, taxpayers will be left with the same onerous system as today.

Accounting Techniques Hurting Competition, Small Businesses

NCPA: Last In First Out” valuation hinders the ability of investors to understand the true financial condition of the firms they’re investing in and puts small companies at a severe disadvantage, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis Research Associate Santiago Bello.

Dynamic Scoring: A Better Way to Evaluate Taxes

NCPA: Instituting the “dynamic scoring” of proposed tax law changes would force lawmakers to weigh the bad against the good in considering new spending programs and their cost to the American people, says NCPA Senior Fellow David Tuerck in a new report.

“Sick Day” HSAs Would Benefit Workers

NCPA: Expanding Health Savings Account (HSA) eligibility to all employees would help them more effectively replace income lost due to illness than mandating seven days of paid sick leave, says NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick in a new report.