Obama's Proposed Capital Gains Tax Hike

Taxing the nonwage income of the wealthy is politically popular because it is assumed few people will be affected. President Obama’s 2016 budget proposes an increase in the capital gains tax to 28 percent for couples earning $500,000 or more.

NCPA to Tackle Government Transparency

NCPA: Can we prevent another market-mortgage economic crash? As economic experts from many sectors warn of an impending economic crash – possibly of equal magnitude to the Great Recession of 2008 – the National Center for Policy Analysis will create a task force to research and report on the causes and effects of the 2008 financial crisis and recommend solutions for the future.

Public Policy Hurting African-Americans

NCPA: Black History Month is a time to reflect on the accomplishments of African Americans over the decades – often in spite of “helpful” government programs  that backfire and fail, according to a new report from the National Center for Policy Analysis.

NCPA Partnering With Beacon Hill Institute on Tax Policy Reform

NCPA: The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) is entering a long-term contract with the Beacon Hill Institute for Public Policy Research (BHI) to expand the research offered by its Tax Analysis Center. The Tax Analysis Center aims to provide objective, empirical research on the effects of U.S. federal and state taxing and spending on the economy and to propose reforms that will measurably improve the lives of all Americans by raising the rate of economic growth, resulting in employment and income growth.

Trans-Pacific Partnership Good for US Small Business

NCPA: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a trade agreement which would expand American trade with nations in the Asia-Pacific region, could increase exports by up to 37.3 percent and generate $295 billion annually in income gains by 2025, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis Research Associate Alyson Cuervo.

Former GOP TX Congressman Ron Paul in Dallas

NCPA: Three-time presidential hopeful Dr. Ron Paul will speak about current news issues ahead of the upcoming mid-term elections on Friday, October 31st, as part of the National Center for Policy Analysis’ Hatton W. Sumners Distinguished Lecture Series.

The Fall of the Dollar

American Thinker: NCPA Distinguished Fellow Bob McTeer outlines the value and risks the U.S. faces while the dollar is considered the world currency in an American Thinker article.