Let's Go Places: Toyota Workers Could Save Big Tax Dollars With Move

Forbes: When Toyota announced its move to Texas, the main focus was on how much the company would save in business taxes. However, “there’s also a story here about the impact on Toyota workers who make the move,” says NCPA Senior Fellow Pam Villarreal in a Forbes article. Villarreal’s new reportuses the NCPA’s State Tax Calculator to show how much workers will save if they relocate.

The Marketplace Fairness Act:Tilting the Playing Field

Last year, the U.S. Senate passed the Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA), allowing states to require online retailers to collect and remit sales taxes for each buyer’s state. Though the House of Representatives is unlikely to pass the bill anytime soon, the issue will likely come up again. Under the Senate bill, online retailers could collect an estimated $22 billion to $24 billion in sales tax that now goes uncollected.1

Obama Continues His Push to "Raise the Wage"

FOXBusiness.com: NCPA Senior Fellow Pam Villarreal calls Obama’s continued efforts to raise the minimum wage an attempt to distract the American people from the real issues – ObamaCare’s continuing problems and the nationwide job shortage – in a FOXBusiness.com article.