Practicing Medicine Without Borders

Originally published in Health Care News, March 2008. There is only one thing you need to know about telemedicine: Location doesn't matter. The pathologist who examines your blood tests, the …

Markets and Medicare

Rarely in Washington does the president get to propose legislation that Congress is required to fast track. Such an opportunity exists right now, and it pertains to the most serious …

Ten Steps to Reforming Medicaid

Typically, Medicaid enrollees face restricted treatment options and limited access to health care. At the same time, they are sheltered from health care costs because they pay nothing out of …

SCHIP Alternative: Free the Kids

Originally published in Benefits Selling Weekly, January 28, 2009.  The House passed a bill earlier this month that would expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and the Senate is expected …

Ten Ways to Trim Your Health Care Costs

A layoff does not have to involve losing your health coverage. Although there is no need to panic, you should not put off taking action. Here are 10 options to consider as soon as possible after getting pink-slipped.

Preparing for Retirement in an Uncertain World

In previous generations, many workers could expect to automatically receive a steady stream of retirement income from Social Security and a pension from their union or employer. Like Social Security, traditional defined benefit pension plans promised a monthly annuity for life. Along with personal savings, pensions and Social Security were the mainstays of retirement. Increasingly, however, American workers must make their own retirement investment decisions.

Matt Moore, M.P.P.

Senior Policy Analyst  Matt Moore is Senior Policy Analyst with the NCPA, and researches, writes and speaks on Social Security and retirement issues, elderly entitlements, and education policy. Moore is …

NCPA Privacy Notice

Notice The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) has sole access to the information you have voluntarily given us through this Web site. We will not sell, rent or otherwise …