H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D.

Senior Fellow H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. is one of the country’s leading authorities on energy and environmental issues. He is the lead analyst of the National Center for Policy Analysis’ …

Raymond E. Wooldridge

Private Investor Raymond E. Wooldridge is a private investor who was formerly vice chairman and chairman of the Executive Committee of Southwest Securities Group, Inc., a publicly owned holding company …

William B. Conerly, Ph.D.

Senior Fellow  Dr. Bill Conerly connects the dots between the economy and business decisions. He has the unique combination of a Ph.D. in economics from Duke University and over 30 …

Gerald W. Scully, Ph.D.

Senior Fellow  Gerald W. Scully is a Senior Fellow of the National Center for Policy Analysis and a professor of economics in the School of Management at the University of …

Jere W. Thompson

Compensation Committee Chairman – NCPA; President – The Williamsburg Corporation Jere W. Thompson, NCPA Board member and former Chairman of the Board, is the president of The Williamsburg Corporation. He …

James C. Thompson, Jr.

Chairman of the Board – Thompson Petroleum Corporation Independent Oil & Gas Producer, Ranching, Banking, Investments. Managing General Partner, J. Cleo Thompson & James Thompson, Jr., A Partnership, engaged in …

Henry J. "Bud" Smith

Chairman – Bud Smith Organization Henry J. Smith is Chairman Emeritus for Clark/Bardes, Inc. Dallas, Texas. Clark/Bardes is an executive compensation firm with offices in most major cities throughout the …

Fred Meyer

Governance Committee Chairman – NCPA;  President,CEO,& COB – Aladdin Industries, LLC. Mr. Meyer has served as chairman of the board of Aladdin Industries, LLC (formerly Aladdin Industries, Inc.) since 1985. …

John Victor Lattimore, Jr.

President and Chairman of the Board – Lattimore Properties, Inc. John Victor Lattimore is president and chairman of the board of Lattimore Properties, Inc (LPI). Lattimore Properties is the General …

Barry J. Seldon, Ph.D.

Senior Fellow  His publications have spanned a variety of topics from research and development to advertising and public finance, public choice and political support, anti-trust economics and public opinion on …

Linda Morrison

Senior Fellow Linda Morrison is a public policy consultant based in Newtown, PA. She is a competitive contracting advisor to New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman and Director of Competitive …

Don A. Buchholz

Chairman Emeritus – SWS Group, Inc Don A. Buchholz is Chairman Emeritus of SWS Group, Inc., a publicly-owned holding company with subsidiaries engaged in providing securities clearing, securities brokerage, investment banking …

W. Mike Baggett

Chairman and CEO, Winstead Sechrest & Minick P.C. W. Mike Baggett has been Chairman and CEO of the law firm of Winstead Sechrest & Minick P.C. since 1992. The firm …

John C. Goodman, PhD.

John C. Goodman is president and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis and author of the new book, Priceless: Curing the Healthcare Crisis. He is widely known as the ‘Father of Health Savings Accounts’ and Modern Healthcare named him as one of four people who have most influenced the modern health care system.

Pete du Pont

Pete du Pont Pete du Pont is a regular columnist on www.opinionjournal.com, the editorial page website of The Wall Street Journal. Entitled, Outside the Box, du Pont’s columns discuss current …

About the NCPA

The National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan public policy research organization, established in 1983. The NCPA's goal is to develop and promote private alternatives to government …

Contact Us

Dallas Headquarters:14180 Dallas Parkway, Suite 350Dallas, TX 75254Phone: (972) 386-6272 Washington Office:600 Pennsylvania SE, #310Washington, DC 20003Phone: (202) 830-0177 For mail to Allen West, please send to the Dallas Headquarters. …

Constructive Thinking about Climate Change, Part II

Over the next 50 years the world's developing nations will seek to emulate the West's material success. Access to cheap and dependable energy is critical to their continued progress from poverty. Electrical energy is especially important – it powers schools, hospitals and water treatment plants.

Will Mandatory Health Insurance Work?

The latest fad among Republicans is enforcing "personal responsibility" by requiring individuals to buy health insurance. It was enshrined in the recent Massachusetts health reform law, proudly signed by Gov. Mitt Romney and endorsed by a number of conservative, and even libertarian, organizations.

Crisis of the Uninsured: 2006 Update

Despite claims that there is a health insurance crisis in the United States, the proportion of Americans without health coverage has changed little in the past decade. The increase in the number of uninsured is largely due to immigration and population growth.

Automatic 401(k)s: A Win for Workers

Congress has made it easier for workers to prepare for retirement by passing the Pension Protection Act of 2006. Most of the media coverage has focused on how the new act will affect corporate defined-benefit pension plans like the one for pilots at Northwest or Delta Airlines. However, the most important and far-reaching features of the bill are provisions that encourage the expansion of such employer-sponsored retirement accounts as 401(k)s and 403(b)s. These reforms – long2007 advocated by the NCPA and the Brookings Institution – are particularly important for younger and future workers. As defined benefit plans dry up, 401(k) plans are becoming the norm.

Federal Medicaid Funding Reform

Medicaid is a joint federal-state health care program, primarily for the poor. At the federal level, Medicaid is an entitlement, implying that each enrollee has a right to benefits, regardless of the state in which he or she resides. However, federal funds are not distributed equally.

Saving Health Insurance from the Minimum Wage

Political support is growing in Congress for another increase in the federal minimum wage. A bill now under consideration would raise the minimum hourly wage from $5.15 to $7.25 over the next two years. According to the Economic Policy Institute, an estimated 6.6 million workers currently earn less than $7.25, and a total of 14.9 million workers would be affected by 2008.